Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy uses high-intensity shock waves (sound waves) to help aid in the healing process. It is quite effective and non-invasive. Unlike the name, shock wave therapy does not shock or hurt the patient. Instead, the waves are used to make the person’s own body release growth factors and increase the blood flow to the affected musculoskeletal areas.
Shockwave therapy uses high intensity shock waves (sound waves) to help aid in the healing process. It is quite effective and non-invasive. Unlike the name, shock wave therapy does not shock or hurt the patient. Instead, the waves are used to make the person’s own body release growth factors and increase the blood flow to the affected musculoskeletal areas.
A machine is used to deliver low-intensity shockwave (sound waves) to a painful/affected area. These waves help to increase the healing process by promoting increased blood flow which oxygenates the area and aids faster healing of the tendon and the bone.
In the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance, Shockwave Therapy has been shown to be used to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions most commonly where major connective tissues are attached to bone such as tendonitis.
People suffering from a range chronic and notoriously difficult conditions to resolve which centre around major joints like the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knees can now see pain relief in sight.
Treatable Conditions
Shock Wave therapy offers effective Pain relief for the following conditions:
Achilles Tendonitis – Pain and stiffness on the tendon and at the bottom of the calf where it meets the heel bone
Common symptoms of Achilles tendinitis include:
- Pain and stiffness along the Achilles tendon in the morning
- Pain along the tendon or back of the heel that worsens with activity
- Severe pain the day after exercising
- Thickening of the tendon
- Bone spur (insertional tendinitis)
- Swelling is present all the time and gets worse throughout the day with activity. If you have experienced a sudden “pop” in the back of your calf or heel, you may have ruptured (torn) your Achilles tendon.
Plantar Fasciitis – Painful, inflammation of the muscle and tendons in the sole of the foot.
The most common symptoms of plantar fasciitis include:
- Pain on the bottom of the foot near the heel
- Pain with the first few steps after getting out of bed in the morning, or after a long period of rest, such as after a long car ride. The pain subsides after a few minutes of walking.
- Greater pain after (not during) exercise or activity.
Patella Tendonitis – Pain in the tendons above or below the knee cap, common in athletes and sports people, especially runners. The patellar tendon is a short but very wide tendon that runs from your patella (kneecap) to the top of your tibia.
The most common symptoms of Patella Tendonitis:
- Stiff feeling in the patellar tendon, especially when running downhill or descending stairs.
Golfers & Tennis Elbow – Medically known as ‘epicondylitis’ is inflammation of the tendons of the forearm that attach to the inside or outside of the elbow. Pain is often felt either side of the elbow when gripping or moving the wrist and is caused by repetitive arm and wrists movements such as in tennis or golf. This condition can also develop in office workers who use the keyboard lot.
The most common symptoms of Golfers & Tennis Elbow:
- The pain slowly increasing around the outside of the elbow. Less often, pain may develop suddenly.
- Pain is worse when shaking hands or squeezing objects.
- Pain is made worse by stabilizing or moving the wrist with force. Examples include lifting, using tools, opening jars, or even handling simple utensils such as a toothbrush or knife, and fork.
Trigger Points are known by most people as muscle knots. Trigger points can become chronic and can be associated with chronic pain disorders such as fibromyalgia and tension headaches.
Trigger points are commonly unresponsive to many forms of manual therapy such as non-clinical massage (which can make the problem worse). Shock Wave Therapy however has been seen to be able to ease the pain and inflammation of trigger points.
Certain types of back pain - A recent medical trial found that Shock Wave Therapy was as effective for facet joint pain as were injections.
Shoulder Impingement and calcification
This is pain felt at the top of the shoulder when a tendon gets squashed during overhead movements. This can often lead to thickening of the (supraspinatus) tendon leading to even more impingement, scarring, and even calcification.
Will Shockwave therapy help you?
People with chronic pain problems often try various types of unsuccessful treatments. Up to 80% of people worldwide report that Shockwave therapy has helped them eliminate their pain problem.
Does the treatment hurt?
There may be a slight feeling of discomfort during the treatment, depending on the level of pain the patient is already experiencing in the area. However, since the treatment lasts only about five minutes, most patients are able to tolerate this discomfort. Additionally, the intensity of the treatment can be adjusted throughout the session.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments varies depending on the area and tissue response. The effect of the treatment is cumulative, so you will typically need more than one (3–5) treatment. Often you will experience relief right after the first treatment.
How often will I need the treatment?
Most conditions require 3–5 treatments which are carried out 3–10 days apart, depending on your tolerance and tissue response.
Will I feel any pain after the treatment?
Most people will experience an immediate pain relief following the treatment. However, within 2–4 hours after the treatment, they may experience some soreness in the treated area. This soreness has been reported as tolerable and not limiting.
Are there any restrictions after the treatment?
It is recommended that patients refrain from physical activity, especially one that would involve the treated region, for about 48 hours following each treatment session.
Contact us today for more information or to book an appointment
Please fill in the form and we will be back in touch with you within one working day.
Call us on 020 8364 8800 or email:

Clinic and Shop Address:
5 - 7, Church Hill Road, East Barnet,
Herts, EN4 8SY

Opening Times:
Monday - Friday 09:30 - 17:00 &
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00